
An app that helps you become the person whom you aspire to be.

Try something that actually works

Use a research-backed approach to building habits along with AI-powered insights to help you achieve your goals.

Kutima helps form deeply-integrated habits aligned with your aspirations.

We use cutting-edge tech to deliver a simple, yet powerful experience.

📈 A proven methodology for behavior change

Follow a proven methodology for behavior change. The app will guide you through:

  • Making an aspiration
  • Creating habits that align with your aspiration
  • Assessing your performance
  • Tracking your progress

✨ Insights powered by cutting edge artificial intelligence

Leverage the latest advancements in artificial intelligence to analyze your check-ins and provide actionable assessments.

Get the insights you need to make meaningful progress towards becoming who you aspire to be.

📊 Metrics that help gauge your mastery

Track key metrics about your check-ins to ensure you are making solid progress.

Build your streaks while maintaining strong performance ratings to master your habits.

Get Started

Create an account today to get started on the path to becoming who you aspire to be.

✅ Simple

Designed with ease-of-use in mind.

✅ Affordable

Kutima is much less expensive than coaching.

✅ Universal

Access Kutima seamlessly across all of your devices.

✅ Private

We don't collect any more data than necessary.

✅ Secure

All of your sensitive data is encrypted at-rest.